
Latest news

If you have any news to share, please check here.

PhD Annual Progress Report | Published on 10 October 2024

On 14 and 15 October 2024 all the PhD students will have to present their Annual progress report presentation. The event will take place in the Aula Fleming. Check here for the agenda.

48th FEBS congress | Published on 04 July 2024
Our PhD students have participated in the 48th FEBS congress 2024 in Milan. The FEBS Congress presented a broad-spectrum and ground-breaking scientific program, completed in a fruitful collaboration with the journals of FEBS and representatives from FEBS Constituent Societies.

PNRR Heal ITALIA meeting | Published on 14 June 2024
Several faculty members of the BMB PhD school have participated at the annual PNRR PE6 HEAL ITALIA meeting in Palermo. PhD school Director Prof. Eleonora Candi presented an update on the recent work of the Spoke 1 coordinated by Tor Vergata University including recruitment of Researchers and PhD students funded by PNRR.

International Cell Death Seminar | Published on 5 June 2024
Our PhD students have participated at the online International Cell Death Seminar organised by ACDS, ECDO and CDR along with CDD press.

Biochemistry of skin | Published on 24 May 2024
Today, Prof Kiyotaka Hitomi from University of Nagoya (Japan), held the third of a seires of Biochemical Talks / 2024, organisied by our PhD school. Prof Hitomi presented the history of biochemistry of transglutaminases and his recent research on skin differentiation.

Chip for studying 3D cell migration | Published on 23 May 2024
Silvia Buonvino (36 cycle) from Prof Sonia Melino group has participated in the development  of a new device for study of cell migration and invasion in 3D cellular systems. This chip will be very useful for in vitro studies and will allow to analyse the impact of potential therapeutic approaches on cancer cell properties. This discovery has been patented and published in Advanced Healthcare Materials. Read more here.

PhD Honoris Causa to Prof Nicotera | Published on 17 May 2024
During the Symposium on Cancer Challanges, Prof Pierluigi Nicotera has recieved a Doctorate Honoris Causa degree in presence of the Chancellor of the Univeristy of Rome “Tor Vergata” for his achievements in neurobiology.

Symposium on cancer challanges | Published on 17 May 2024
Prof Arnold Levine (Princeton) and Prof Gerry Melino (Rome) have organisied a Symposium on Cancer Challanges at the Villa Mondragone (Frascati). The Symposium involved multiple renowned scientists from USA, UK, Germany and Italy.

Paper alert: Modelling breast cancer | Published on 9 March 2024
Silvia Buonvino (36 cycle) and Ilaria Arciero (37 cycle) from Prof Sonia Melino group proposed a new model for breast cancer research (read the paper). Read more here.

Cell fate decisions | Published on 28 February 2024
Today, Prof Jo H Zhou from University of Radboud (Nijmegen, Netherlands), held the second of a seires of Biochemical Talks / 2024, organisied by our PhD school. Prof Jo Zhou showed her recent work on the role of transcriptions factors, including p63 and PAX6, in cell fate decisions in epithelial cells.

PhD viva XXXVI cycle | Published on 15 February 2024
Today XXXVI cycle students have succesfully passed there final PhD thesis defence. The examination committee included Dr Cristina Albanesi, Prof Emre Sayan and Prof Franscesca Bernassola. Many congratulations to our new PhDs!

Exosomes and colorectal cancer | Published on 14 February 2024
Today, Prof Emre Sayan from University of Southampton, UK, held the first of a seires of Biochemical Talks / 2024, organisied by our PhD school. Prof Sayan shared his work on miR-carriyng exosomes and their role in the epithelial-mesenchymal trnasition in colorectal cancer.

Welcome to Chinese PhD students | Published on 10 February 2024
We welcome six XXXVII cycle and two XXXIX cycle PhD students who have recently arrived to Italy from China to carry out their PhD thesis research at our University.

Jazz concert “Gerry & Mauro” | Published on 23 October 2023
Join us for the jazz concert organisied by Prof Gerry Melino and Prof Mauro Piacentini to celebrate decades of their academic career at Tor Vergata University. The even will take place on Thursday 26 Oct 2023 at 12 pm at Auditorium Morricone with partecipation of The Chancellor Prof Nathan Ghiron Levialdi

PhD Annual Progress Report | Published on 10 October 2023

On 11 and 12 October 2023 all the PhD students will have to present their Annual progress report presentation. The event will take place in the Aula Fleming. Here is the Report schedule:

Wednesday 11th October 
XXXVIII Cycle: from 9:30 to 13:00
Committee: Prof M V Catani, Prof A Gambacurta, Prof M Bottini.
Assistants: Prof V Gasperi, Prof F Fezza
— break —
XXXVII Cycle: from 15:00 to 17:00
Committee: Prof F Fezza, Prof V Gasperi, Prof M Agostini
Assistants: Prof M V Catani, Prof A Gambacurta

Thursday 12th October
XXXVI Cycle: from 9:00 to 10:00
Committee: Prof A Gambacurta, Prof M C Piro, Prof Scimeca.
Assistants: Prof M Agostini, Prof M Bottini
— break —
Online only: from 15:30 to 17:30
Committee: Prof E Campione, Prof F Fezza, Prof A Mauriello, Prof G Sica, Prof M Agostini.
Assistants: Prof M Scimeca

PhD Viva – PhD students from China | Published on 18 September 2023
Today eight students from China have successfuly passed their PhD vivas after 4 years of PhD carried out at our Unisersity and Soochow University (Shangai, China). Examination board included Prof Eleonora Candi, Prof Yufang Shi, Prof Ying Wang as well as Prof Gerry Melino as the Presedint of the examination commision.

Check the list of the PhD students and their theses here.

PNRR meeting – PNNR-HealItalia at Tor Vergata

China & Italy – visit of the Prof Yufang Shi

PhD positions available – apply now

Collagen & cancer metabolism – save the date!

RNA editing & cancer – save the date!

Published on 13 April 2023
On 20 April 2023 at 15.00, Dr Valentina Tassinari, who has recently joined our University as a Researcher, will present her recent work on ADARs and cancer. Check Events for more information.

Mitochondrial diseases – save the date!

Published on 20 March 2023
Don’t miss – Dr Alessia Angelin is going to present her work on mitochondria on 23 March 2023. Check Events for more information.

PhD cycle XXXVI viva

Published on 03 February 2023
On February 3rd, Dr Rosalba Pecorari, Dr Emanuele Criscuolo, Dr Manuela Montanaro, Dr Adelaide Teofani, Dr Dante Caposiena, and Dr Lucas Bahia Nocheira have successfully passed their final viva examinations. Congrats to our new PhDs!

Chinese new year

Published on 25 January 2023
BMB PhD students and postdocs from Prof Melino lab, including eight PhD students from China, have organised a fantastic celebration of the Chinese new year!

Caspases, cell division & cancer – save the date!

Published on 02 September 2022
On 13 September 2022 Prof Kumar (University of Adelaide, Australia) and Prof D’Avino (University of Cambridge, UK) will talk about their work on caspases and cell division in cancer. Check Events for more information..

ECDO meeting

Published on 22 May 2022
The next ECDO meeting is going to take place in Bonn (Germany in Sept 2022. Register now! For more information see the website.