You can find us here
BMB Program Director
Prof. Eleonora Candi
Faculty of Medicine
Building F nord, 1 floor room F173
Via Montpellier, 1
00133 Rome
email: candi@uniroma2.it
BMB Program Office
Dr Lucilla Bongiorno Borbone
Faculty of Medicine
Building F nord, I floor
Via Montpellier, 1
00133 Rome
email: lucilla.bongiorno@uniroma2.it
tel +39 06 7259 6466
Fax +39 06 7259 6977
Doctoral School Administrator
Giovanni La Rosa
Rettorato – V piano stanza 582
Via Orazio Raimondo, 18
00133 Roma
tel. +39 06 7259 2582 or 2565
PhD Program website
Dr Artem Smirnov
Maria Cristina Franzese Canonico