Doctorate Honoris Causa

PhD Honoris Causa to Prof Nicotera | Published on 17 May 2024
During the Symposium on Cancer Challanges, Prof Pierluigi Nicotera has recieved a Doctorate Honoris Causa degree in presence of the Chancellor of the Univeristy of Rome “Tor Vergata” for his achievements in neurobiology.

Pierluigi Nicotera is a Member of the Academia Leopoldina and of the Academia Europaea. Since 2009, professor Nicotera is Scientific Director and Chairman, German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and Professor of Neurodegeneration, University of Bonn. His main research focus is on molecular mechanisms of cell death and neurodegeneration. Graduated from the University of Pavia, following an early career at the Karolinska Institute with professor Sten Orrenius (1986-1994), he became professor of Toxicology at the University of Konstanz (1995-2001), and then Director at the Medical Research Council, Toxicology Unit (2002-2009).He is Member of Leopoldina, UK Academy Sciences, Academia Europaea

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