Thesis instructions

By the end of the third year, the PhD student will submit his scientific research results to 2 highly qualified scientists, suggested by the PI, out of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and of the PhD Board. They will submit back a report  to the faculty members in order to admit the student to defend his thesis or suggest some more time to review and correct the thesis (6 months maximum). In rare cases the Faculty members can reject the thesis if the results do not fullfill the minimum requirements.

Faculty members usually meet in June to elect the board of examiners, which will officially evaluate the candidates during thesis dissertation around mid-January.

The precise dates and deadlines are communicated yearly directly to the candidates.

THESIS Format criteria

(1) Language and CV
Theses can be written in ITALIAN or ENGLISH. All PhD students are automatically authorized by the Academic Board to choose their preferred language, in agreement with the Tutor. At the end of the thesis attach CV.

(2) Procedure
Theses must be prepared with Microsoft Word. It doesn’t matter if Macintosh or PC version. and approved by the Tutor.

(3) Cover
Red color in cardboard. Use the attached facsimile, which contains: name of the doctorate, cycle, name of the student, title of the thesis, tutor and coordinator. Do not add any other information.

(3) Margins
Document size: 17 x 24 cm (B5)
Margins: Top and Bottom 3 cm. Internal and external 2.5 cm
Distance from the edge Header / Footer: 1.5 cm
ATTENTION: if you are using the A4 format, since the margins become Top / Bottom 5.85 cm; Int / Ext 4.5 cm, Intest / Pie Page 4.35 cm.

(4) Formatting
Numbering: enter page numbers centered (avoiding Right and Left)
Titles. Times / Helvetica bold body 14 pt. Always place the main titles or chapters on a new page (right; odd numbering)
Subtitles: Times / Helvetica body 11 pt
Space before: 2 blank lines. Space after: 1 blank line
Text: Times / Helvetica 11 pt body / 13 pt exact spacing
Indent First line: 0.5 cm
Figure captions and / or Notes: Times / Helvetica body 9 pt / Line spacing 11 pt
Protruding indentation: 0.5 cm. Between caption and text to follow: 2 blank lines
Header and Footer: Times / Helvetica body 8 pt italics. Centered page alignment (avoiding Right and Left)

(5) Figures
The figures must be paginated on separate full pages (avoid mixed pages of text and figures). It is preferable to insert more figures (or more panels) on the same page.

(6) References
In the text the references must be inserted as Author et al., Year (eg Finazzi et al., 1932).
In the References insert all the authors, title, journal, year, volume: pages such as in the journal “Cell” (eg Ascoli M, Desideri A, Paci M. Identification of a novel E3 ligase. J Biol Chem. 1958. 10 : 2314-2318.)

Fac-simile files


First Page ENGLISH

First Page ITALIAN