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Prof Almerinda Di Venere
Email: divenere@med.uniroma2.it
Bldg F Nord, I floor – room F164
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Department of Experimental Medicine
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Via Montpellier 1 – 00133 Rome | Italy ORCID |
Short biographical sketch of Prof Almerinda Di Venere
Almerinda Di Venere is professor of Biochemistry (BIO/10) at the Department of Experimental Medicine of “Tor Vergata” University in Rome. She obtained her master degree in Physics and the PhD in Epithelia Biology and Physiopatology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata Her current scientific interests regard protein structure to function relationship and in particular:
a. conformational stability studies of proteins by equilibrium unfolding measurements;
b. kinetic measurements of the folding/unfolding process of metal containing proteins;
c. structural and functional behavior of monomeric and oligomeric enzymes under high pressure condition.
d. Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopic techniques (circular dichroism, steady-state and dynamic fluorescence; rotational anisotropy). She is author of about 60 scientific papers on international journals, published with a peer review process.
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