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Prof Alessandro Mauriello

Email: alessandro.mauriello@uniroma2.it
University Hospital
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Via Montpellier 1 – 00133 Rome | Italy ORCID |
Short biographical sketch of Prof Alessandro Mauriello
Alessandro Mauriello, MD, is Full Professor of Anatomical & Histological Pathology, at the University of Rome-Tor Vergata. His scientific activity (H-index 33; Citations 4009) focuses on (a) pathophysiology of the vascular system with particular interest in the role of inflammation, immunity and risk factors on rupture and thrombosis of the atherosclerotic plaque and on (b) tumor pathology, with particular interest on in situ identification of new diagnostic and prognostic bio-markers .
See a full CV of Prof Alessandro Mauriello.
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